Sunday, September 27, 2009

H1N1 flu and us

Well folks so far 2 members of our house have been struck down with this "swine" flu. I was sick for about 5 or 6 days last week and Friday Carson got it. He started Tamiflu immediately and it has turned around for the better in 2 days. I ran fever for 5 days he so far has only run it for 2 days. I thought I got the Tamiflu fast enough but I had a hard time getting over it. Roman is on preventive meds to hopefully keep him from getting it. Hoping Neal doesn't get it! My symptoms were: sore throat, low grade fever, tiredness and fatigue, body aches and pain, mild nasal congestion, and a cough that is still lingering. Carson's symptoms consist mainly of high fever and tiredness and body aches and pain. He did get sick at his stomach one time but that's it. We have been washing our hands like crazy and spraying Lysol. Glad we are on the mend! Hope it stays that way.