Thursday, May 27, 2010

The baby graduates today from Pre-K! Can't believe it! Trying to get a plan for the summer for our family. It usually works best when we keep some sort of structure to our days. Thinking about doing the summer reading program again at the local library. Also want to take the kids on some educational day trips. The area around here is rich with history and great stories for the kids to hear. I am wanting to get fishing licenses for all of us this year so we can take the boys to the lake and let them fish over the summer. We haven't fished here...usually save that for when we visit my mom or my husband's family. I love summertime and having boys running around in the evening catching fireflies :) We currently have a jar of tadpoles on the backdeck that came from the top of my mom's pool before they opened it. We are hoping that some of them will make it to adulthood. So far we have 1 with 2 back legs! Don't know if we should feed them something or not. We put a big rock for them to stand on when they are able and having been checking on them daily. I want to start walking again in the evenings like last summer. I think it would do us all good to walk about 30 min everyday. But first, we must get through this week of end of the year school stuff.

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Pinewood Derby

Tonight my oldest son competed in the RA racers and won 2nd place! Yay Carson! I am so proud of him and especially happy to see him so proud and happy of himself. He went with a flatter racecar design this year painted red and light blue. He put three stripes on the spoiler on the back and an RA sticker on the hood plus the number 1. Not 01 like his dad recommended but just plain 1. He won a medal that looks like something off of the Olympics. Little bro did a great job of watching and waiting and cheering him on.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Long time no writing

Carson has turned 8 now and Roman has turned 5! Registered Roman for Kind. last week and can't believe my baby is going to be that big! We have had a busy winter of Upward basketball with Carson and I was an Upward Cheerleading coach this year for the first time. Spring time for us has meant that our weekends have settled down a bit but our weeks are still busy. Mom was supposed to come visit last weekend but luckily she didn' ended up being horrible weather.