Thursday, November 4, 2010

Be all you can be

Today I am thinking about all the things I want to teach my kids while they are still listening! :) I made a list some time ago of the things that I wanted to make sure and teach my children one day. Then, I asked them what things did they want mom or dad to teach them? The abundance of answers I got was amazing! One said he wanted to know how to turn a cartwheel really good...the other said he needs to know how to cook like a chef. Both wanted to learn about growing things in a garden and both had interests in learning everything they could about animals such as dogs and snakes. I also heard from one that he wants to know about China and what it is like there and how to speak a little Chinese. My point is I could not believe what happened when I just asked them! They would list a thing or two and I would that all..anything else? Then the list would continue and continue...I worked on their lists for a little while but have neglected them lately. I am determined to get back to teaching them the things that they are hoping to learn from me plus a few more that I want them to know. Here are some of the topics we are covering: China, anatomy of a human, dog breeds, snakes, cooking..including reading a recipe, become familiar with different types of music, car parts/mechanics, tool identification and use, healthy living..including different exercise they can practice, Bible stories, etc. We haven't gotten to all the topics yet but we are working our way through them. I want them to be the best they can be but I am careful to not push too hard or expect too much.....afterall I do realize we are dealing with a 5 year old and an 8 year old here :) Keeping it age appropriate is the key to success here! I want to mention that they're not going to excel in every area or love every topic. However, it does help to identify their natural interests and strengths.


  1. Is that picture from Mom's? Made me think, I should ask my kids that same question.

  2. Yes it is at mom's. I read in a book that we should ask our kids what they want us to teach them at different points during their life.
