Monday, November 8, 2010

What can I give?

My mom used to deliver meals on wheels to an assisted living type facility. She would take me along with her sometimes and I have very good memories of doing that with her to this day. My mom would also sometimes make an extra plate of food at Thanksgiving for people who might need a good meal or might be alone on that day. I went once with my dad to deliver it. You remember these things and how good it made you feel. Two years ago at Christmas, our family delivered Christmas meals to 2 different families through volunteering that was set up by a local church. I loved being able to expose the boys to the spirit of helping people. You never know when you might be the one who needs help someday! We also participate in Operation Christmas Child which delivers shoeboxes of toys to underprivileged kids in other countries and of course giving our things we don't need anymore to Goodwill. However, sometimes we or you might not have the extra money to spend on charity stuff but would like to participate somehow. You can always give your time. Sometimes that is the only way we can help other people but I wish someday for enough "extra" to really make a difference in a few lives. At least I would like to think that is what I would do with enough "extra"...  ;)


  1. I know..we've talked about this before. When I was working (read single) I used to volunteer at this inner city after school progam, I would just tutor kids (help with homework). I loved it, and swore I would continue...
    I keep telling myself this just isn't the season in life to do that....
    But, I agree, I think it's important to instill that sense of giving in our kids. And the best way to do that is for them to see you giving of yourself (either time/money). are driving me crazy with this changing of the background...just like changing your profile picture every day. :)

  2. I know it(about changing the background) but I just can't seem to help it although I like this one so it may be a keeper for awhile.
