Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Being Content

Okay folks, this is an area where I really struggle I am sorry to admit. I am one of those "dreamers" who is constantly looking toward the future  for the next best thing. It is not easy to admit this but it is true. I sometimes rob myself of today's joy by focusing on tomorrow's possibilities. Example: There was a time when we lived in an apartment just starting out but we didn't live there long because I wanted less neighbors and more space. So we moved into a duplex that was in a great location because from the front porch I got a view every morning of a beautiful lake. It was also very roomy and by most peoples standards a nice place to live...but we didn't stay there long because I wanted even more privacy and an even bigger space and my own house. We moved about a year later into our first home in a different city than we were in before. It was a brand new home that was all brick with lots of nice builder details like a whirlpool tub and his and hers walk-in closets with 4 bedrooms and 2 baths and by most peoples standards not a starter home at all! But in my mind that is exactly what it was. A place to start not to stay and so when about 3 years later we got transfered to a new city I was not wanting to move but loving the possibililty of an even bigger and better place than before. You see what is happening here? Instead of being content in each phase of my life, I tend to rush each phase to get to the next one...the finish line. But you know what? No matter how nice my house or life is there will always be someone out there who has a bigger or newer or nicer place than me. It's that way for everyone pretty much. We can't all be the top dog of the world. We have to learn to be content where we are because otherwise we will live our whole lives and miss all the small joys while we were waiting on happiness. In the Bible, Paul states that he has ....learned to be content in whatever circumstances he is in (paraphrase) from Phillipians. This is something that I am still striving for. I am not saying that you shouldn't dream or set goals for yourself...I think there is a difference when it becomes such a longing that you are no longer content with your life and are left feeling unhappy. As for me, I have that bigger house...the biggest we've lived in yet...it just happens to be 30 years older than the last one we lived in and without those bells and whistles ;)....you see what I mean!? There I go again.